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Субота, 03 Червень 2023

ХХIII Гамовська міжнародна астрономічна конференція

XXIII Gamow International Astronomical Conference


21 - 25 August, 2023
Odesa, Ukraine


Organizers: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Radio-Astronomical Institute of NASU, Ukrainian Astronomical Association (UAA), Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa Astronomical Society.



Chairs of SOC:  A.I. Zhuk (ONU, Odesa; CASUS, Görlitz, Germany)

Vice-chair:  M.I. Ryabov (IRA NASU, Odesa, ryabov-uran@ukr.net)

Secretary: S.M. Melikyants (ONU, Odesa, sedamelikk@gmail.com)

Members of SOC:   S.M. Andrievsky (ONU, Odesa; Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany), I.L. Andronov (ONMU, Odesa), M. Capaccioli (Naples University, Italy), S.V.Chebotar (ONU, Odesa),  L.L. Jenkovszky (ITP, Kyiv), K. Georgieva (SRTI, Sofia, Bulgaria),  N.I. Koshkin (ONU, Odesa), I.Kudzej (Vihorlat Observatory in Humenné, Slovakia), T.V Mishenina (ONU, Odesa), Anatoly S. Miroshnichenko (University of North Carolina, USA), I. Shmeld (VIRAC, Latvia),  O.M. Ulyanov (IRA NASU, Kharkiv) , I.B. Vavilova (MAO NASU, Kyiv), Y.S. Yatskiv (MAO NASU,  Kyiv), V.V. Zakharenko (IRA NASU, Kharkiv)/



Chair of LOC: V.I. Truba (Rector of ONU)

Vice-chairs of LOC:   M.I. Ryabov  (ryabov-uran@ukr.net),

Secretary: A.A Pilipenko  (plpnko@ukr.net) , L.I. Sobitnyak

Members of LOC: V.O. Borshchenko, V.V. Breus, N.I. Koshkin, L.S. Kudashkina, S.M. Melikyants, S.L. Strakhova, A.L. Sukharev, V.O. Yushchenko

The XXIII Gamow conference is devoted to:

–  the 155th anniversary of Prof. K.D. Pokrovsky (Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Odesa I.I. Mechnikov State University from 1934 to 1944);

–  the 380th anniversary of Isaak Newton;

–  the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus;

–  the memory of Academician V.M. Shulga, the chair of SOC of the Gamow conferences from 2012 to 2022;


cosmology, gravitation, astroparticle physics, high energy physics, astrophysics, plasma astrophysics, radioastronomy, solar activity and solar-terrestrial relations, Solar System, astrobiology, genetics.


1.  Cosmology, gravitation, astroparticle physics, high energy physics (Chair – A.I. Zhuk);

2.  Astrophysics (Chairs – I.L.Andronov, T.V.Mishenina); Subsection  «Astroinformatics» (Chair – I.B.Vavilova);       

3.  Radioastronomy (Chair – O.M.Ulyanov, О.А.Litvinenko);

4. Sun, solar activity, solar-terrestrial relations and Astrobiology (Chairs – V.M.Efimenko,  M.I.Ryabov);

5. Solar System and space environment (Chair  N.I.Koshkin);

6. Biologic section “Gamow's ideas in 21st century biology” (Chair  S.V.Chebotar);

7.  “Astronomical education and Planetariums in Ukraine”

 (Subsection “Astronomical Education and Astronomy Outreach” (Chair I.L.Andronov), 

 Subsection “Planetariums in Ukraine” (Co-Chairs G.V.Zheleznjak, M.I.Ryabov)


The Conference Program will be organized in the form of on-line sessions:

– Plenary reports on anniversaries.

– Plenary sessions – the 30-40 minutes lectures about the actual problems of astrophysics, cosmology, radioastronomy, astroparticle physics and gravitation.

– Section meetings with 15-20 minutes reports.

– The affiliate sections and subsections.

– Discussions.

For participants there will be also organized a “poster session” in the form of short oral reports (5-8 minutes).

Conference participants will be provided with zoom links to all sessions in advance.

Conference participants who are in Odesa will be able to take part in an offline session at the astronomical observatory in Shevchenko Park.


Publications (in English!):

The templates of abstracts and manual about how to send them will be available on http://gamow.odessa.ua/publications.

Scientific articles based on plenary and section reports are invited to be published as regular papers in the current issue of «Odesa Astronomical Publications» (http://oap.onu.edu.ua/), which will be completed this year.

We also plan to publish reports on radioastronomy in «Radioastronomy and Radiophysics» in this year.

Working language of the Gamow International Conference is English.

To the attention of the conference participants from Ukraine! In connection with the possibility of opening the summer season in Odesa and the availability of city beaches, there is the possibility of coming to Odesa and accommodation in various hostels, hotels and recreation centers in Arcadia and Chernomorka. As the situation becomes clearer, the Second Announcement will provide information about the place, cost of living and contact numbers. Booking accommodation each of the participants must decide independently.

For participants of offline meetings at the observatory, the payment of the registration fee for coffee breaks is provided. The amount of the registration fee will be announced in the Second Announcement.

Important Conference Events

First announcement                            5 June

Open registration and abstract          20 June

Second announcement                      20 June

Third announcement                         15 August

Final registration                               10 August (deadline)

Abstract submission                          10 August (deadline)

The Conference opening                   21 August

The Conference closing                    25 August

Detailed information on the website: www.gamow.odessa.ua 




Personal information:

First Name: ___________________

Last Name:  ___________________


Title (Prof., Dr., PhD-student, MSc., BSc., Undergraduate student, etc.):


Institution: _____ ______________________________________________


Department: ___________________________________________________


Country: ____________ ________________

E-mail address:  _______ _______________


2. Contribution:

 Would you like to present a contribution? (YES/NO): _______


If YES, please, write us the preliminary Title of your talk

and Section (required):




Please, fill the form and send it to us before August 10, 2022 to Seda Melikyants:

e-mail:  sedamelikk@gmail.com



For the abstract template, see the web page http://gamow.odessa.ua/publications/

Please notice that the abstracts should include title, author and co-authors, their affiliations and text (not more than 300 words). Please don’t use any figures or tables. Note! All abstracts should be written in English. Participants who have been registered will be sent an invitation with reminder. The texts of abstracts can be directly sent to the personally to Svetlana Strakhova (okioao26@gmail.com). The Scientific Organizing Committee will inform you about the inclusion of the report in the program.



Astronomical Observatory, street Marazlievska, 1v, Odesa, 65014, Ukraine.

E-mail (SOC and LOC): ryabov-uran@ukr.net ;

Secretary: sedamelikk@gmail.com

Web-site: www.gamow.odessa.ua

Автор: kosty
Прочитали: 64 рази
